A tractor News Network : Real news for an imaginary universe
Server: Lovelace Status: Active
Pop: 1 GameDate: 17 Aug, Yr 124

Headlines >

Candy planked
Candy died at the age of 21

Shaving_Seagull died
Shaving_Seagull died at the age of 19

New building constructed by Shaving_Seagull
The builders are on their way home, the plastering complete, Shaving_Seagull constructed Shaving_Seagull's House 1, in the town of Midway.

New building constructed by Shaving_Seagull
After a flurry of activity, Shaving_Seagull constructed Shaving_Seagull's House 1, in the town of Midway.

New building constructed by Shaving_Seagull
It took a little while but today Shaving_Seagull constructed Shaving_Seagull's House 1, in the town of Midway.

Candy qualified as a Rancher
Candy has completed their course and is now a qualified Rancher.

New building constructed by Candy
The builders are on their way home, the plastering complete, Candy constructed Candy's Stonemasons, in the town of Midway.

EK160 passed on
EK160 died at the age of 16

Shaving_Seagull bought Midway Loggers
Interestingly, Shaving_Seagull purchased the building 'Midway Loggers' with a sale price of 4s.

New building constructed by Shaving_Seagull
After some hard work, Shaving_Seagull constructed Ram Ranch, in the town of Midway.

World >

Business >

Special Report : The Fuel Business

Today our business reporters have been out to review the state of Lovelace's Fuel business - checking the prices and inventories of 3 buildings currently selling products on the world.

Fuel is only sold in one building on Lovelace. We asked the owner for some figures on their business but they were unavailable for comment.

High scores >


Sports >

RC Duel Rankings

Pos Player Ranking

Anything that doesnt work is almost certainly the result of chronic understaffing.