Alpha End

Forum for all bug reports relating to the 2018 Early Access phase of A tractor
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Alpha End

Post by Mit » Thu Jul 26, 2018 10:48 pm

Once again, a big Thank You to all those who have been participating in the closed testing, and all those who've reported bugs on these forums. I couldn't do this without you :). I hope you've enjoyed it a little, at least.

There's still a bit of testing to be done on the voting setup and creation of new town, then after that (hopefully) its going to be getting things ready for the game being made publicly available on Steam.

I don't expect the initial steam release to be a significant step - in terms of new players etc - it will hopefully be a quiet, early-access launch, and there'll be plenty more testing and development to come over the next few months. It will however mark the start of a new phase..

At the start of August, the current world will be closed. A final scoreboard will be generated for the sake of honour and posterity, but otherwise thats the end of Alpha.

A new world will be started a little while after (exact dates will be confirmed via this forum later on). The basic setup will be much the same at first, but there'll be a few changes based on the alpha experience.. a few headlines:

- The start town will only allow construction of residential and commercial buildings.
- Skills will generally take a bit longer to learn.
- New towns will be available at regular intervals, based on population and wealth growth.
- There'll be a few new early-stage buildings : 'Workhouse' - which provides permanently available low-paid employment for any job-skill, 'Supermarket' - retail building for a range of food and drink products, and 'Exports' that can buy a range of products that are 'automatically' sent for export at the port.
- New models for various buildings.
- A fish market.

There'll also be a very small set of items available for real-world moolah (!), initially a couple of trailers and some paint-jobs, with more items to come over the next few months. And, most significantly, there will be the 'Resident's Permit' - more on that later!

I will email all the testing group later in the month for feedback and etc, but meantime if you have any other suggestions for things you think should be changed, improved or added for the next world, please do post here.

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