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[Fixed] Buildings not producing if no sell price is set?

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 11:58 pm
by VDZ
Earlier, I found my Logging Camp did not have a single Timber even though I had turned off Timber sales a couple hours earlier; there was plenty of investment in the building, it had an employee, and the summary since my last login, despite listing someone leaving and re-joining a job on one of my other buildings, did not show any change of employment on that Logging Camp.

I also heard someone in chat (don't recall who) suggesting that buildings with no sell price set for their products do not actually produce anything. (As a temporary workaround, my Timber is now the most luxurious Timber in the world with a price of more than 1100s each.)

Re: Buildings not producing if no sell price is set?

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2018 7:21 am
by Mit
There's no link between sale price and production (at least, none that im aware of, and none that I can see by scanning through all the code. That said, it is a very complicated system..)

Having just checked your building I can see that its now full of timber, so something has obviously changed ; don't think changing the sell price would directly cause it but can't currently determine that any further.

I do have a debug command that gives me more details on whats happening to a building's production (and I can clone the world and run it through a debugger if needed), so if you see something like this happen again, lemme know and ill have a look.

FYI, of the cases of non-production i've debugged through lately the more curious ones have been:
- Employee was frozen (either because they were kicked out of a rented house or were online when the server crashed.) ; this stops production until they next log-in .. that whole process i need to review, though it shouldnt happen often.
- Building was full of stuff ; which is not a particularly curious one, however it wasn't completely obvious to the average player why that was happening. Hence, latest client has an extra message on the building screen indicating that won't produce anything because it is full of product.
- One case of something completely weird happening. All the ducks were in line, debug commands showed everything running, employee was active. Cloned the world and put it in the debugger and the building started producing immediately. If this was the case for you i'll need to debug live to see whats what.

Re: Buildings not producing if no sell price is set?

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2018 12:25 pm
by Morvis
so kicked out of rented house freezes hunger/thirst gains? For how long if they don't login within a day or so?

seems a bit exploitable but not massively.

Re: Buildings not producing if no sell price is set?

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2018 4:06 pm
by VDZ
Indeed it seems at least not entirely linked to price; I had it happen again to my second Logging Camp, which did have a sale price set. However I noticed that before I noticed your post, so I added a Timber to the stock and added a denari of investment in hopes that it would fix it, so it may not have the problem any longer (hard to tell as it only produces once every 50 minutes).


Purchase of the Logging Camp occurred somewhere between 12:00 and 1:00 PM CEST today (August 24th); I also invested the 34s8d at that time. By 5:51 PM CEST, it hadn't produced anything. Immediately afterwards, I added one timber and one denari; not sure if this changed anything.

Notable is that both Logging Camps were bought from another player, not built by myself.

Re: Buildings not producing if no sell price is set?

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2018 6:48 pm
by VDZ
Nope, still stuck almost three hours later. Definitely still broken, so please investigate.


Re: Buildings not producing if no sell price is set?

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2018 8:50 am
by Mit
just checked now and all is ok, with 214 timber in the building, last produced 32 minutes 18 seconds ago. (With no server restart in between). Curious.
As a temporary measure to help locate it, i've made public a couple of debug commands that might highlight problems when they occur..

First type *buildetails when you're near the building. That'll give you the 'building record num'.
Next do *buildproddebug [BuildingRecordNum] (e.g. *buildproddebug 186 ) that'll print up the details on any production items in the building.

Would be interesting to see that latter result when the building is stuck.

Re: Buildings not producing if no sell price is set?

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2018 10:31 am
by VDZ
You were looking at the wrong building. My first logging site has been functional for a while. I checked just now, and my second logging site did get re-activated, but VERY recently (it has 16 timber and isn't selling at any sane price; I haven't taken any out myself either).

Logging site that was broken up until just now (#2):
Closest building is rec #202, VDZ's personal Timber (Type #66: Farm - Logging site). ScriptParam 0. Current efficiency = 100%. rot 0
Tech level 0. Damage 0. Invest 34s9d Map (125,133) ACTIVE flag set.
Building 202: VDZ's personal Timber (Cycle: 304) ACTIVE
Prod Item 1 (Timber): Wages cycles completed: 2 Last Produced: 1 day and 22 hours ago Quantity: 16
Is the 'last produced' in in-game time? Otherwise it makes no sense.

The first logging site, for which I made this thread but which has been fixed for a long time now (#1):
Closest building is rec #186, VDZ's personal timber (Type #66: Farm - Logging site). ScriptParam 0. Current efficiency = 100%. rot 7
Tech level 0. Damage 0. Invest 36s57d Map (126,134) ACTIVE flag set.
Building 186: VDZ's personal timber (Cycle: 305) ACTIVE
Prod Item 1 (Timber): Wage cycles completed: 4 Last Produced: 40 minutes and 43 seconds ago Quantity: 244

Re: Buildings not producing if no sell price is set?

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2018 12:44 pm
by VDZ
Two hours later logging camp 2 (#202) still hasn't produced anything extra.
Closest building is rec #202, VDZ's personal Timber (Type #66: Farm - Logging site). ScriptParam 0. Current efficiency = 100%. rot 0
Tech level 0. Damage 0. Invest 34s9d Map (125,133) ACTIVE flag set.
Building 202 : VDZ's personal Timber (Cycle: 318) ACTIVE
Prod Item 1 (Timber): Wage cycles completed: 2 Last Produced : 2 days ago Quantity : 16
Please investigate ASAP. I want to sell or wreck it in about 7-8 hours to build something else as I'm at my building limit.

Re: Buildings not producing if no sell price is set?

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2018 12:57 pm
by Morvis
I't been full of flour for a few gamedays now....

Re: Buildings not producing if no sell price is set?

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2018 4:21 pm
by Morvis
restaffing the building got it back going again.

I think i had a change in baker overnight. Maybe that has something to do if I did. Don't know for sure tho if i did or not.