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poker bugged

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 8:55 pm
by clementvw
Player told me poker didn't work,
i got in and got messsage "waiting for host to set up game"
could't leave, had to restart client to get out of the pub.

Also.. i guess after 2 moves the game of chess was left, and it doenst reset, can't interact with board.

Re: poker bugged

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:00 am
by Mit
Fixed one bug with the poker involving a broken system that was intended to let players rejoin the game if they got disconnected and reconnected within a time limit - this wasn't working at all, and left the table in a broken state, so has been removed completely for now. (will revisit that again sometime). There will almost certainly be other problems with the poker table as it is had little testing, please let me know if/when it goes wrong again so i can get the debugger on it.

Chess has a similar behaviour allowing players to resume their game at a later point, which makes slightly more sense if there is more than 1 pub :).

I've fixed the display on the next client ( so that the correct player names show up. (The game in progress is apparently between 'PotatoLord' and 'MrCrabs', and a tense battle it is too, with both players having so far moved 1 piece each before wandering off, forgeting all about it and then susbequently dieing).

So that stuff needs some changes - at very least server should probably auto-reset the board if both players are dead :] - meantime, in the next client there's an additional Mod] / Op] button to reset the board when required.

Re: poker bugged

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2018 2:34 am
by clementvw
Talk about a stressful Chess game, it killed them.