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Words from Baston

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:30 pm
by clementvw
1 "Are you gong to ban me if i dont change prices in a sandbox game?"
2 "could you direct me to the TOS please, i'll change them whilst you dig that out"

3 "I just happened to want to sell my stuff at 46s rather than 46d up to them if they want to buy it like that"
4 "no rules anywhere that says there is a price cap, it's a sandbox game"

5 "hopefully i highlighted a potential area of improvement during early acces"
6 "perhaps link sale price to buy price".

Statement 3 and 5 contradict.
He has no intention of changing his prices nor does he intend to leave the game.

Reading bewtween the lines, he's saying
"i am ruining this game, scamming people on purpose and there's nothing you can do about it"

Recommended action: Write a TOS stating scamming is a bannable offense. Same for exploiting bugs btw.
Bannable offences in ESO and BDO, to name just 2 i played.

Re: Words from Baston

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 2:59 am
by Morvis
eeh I'm not so much sure it's bannable. Ultimately it's 'buyer beware' I suppose. And pay attention.
'tis a sleezy business practice though and not a good way to make friends.

Re: Words from Baston

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 11:28 am
by VDZ
'Scamming' is hard to define, and the line between unfriendly but valid play and genuine scam is very blurry. If people will buy my goods at ripoff prices, who are you to tell me I can't?

Ultimately I agree with his statement #5. He isn't the first person to try this nor will he be the last. There's a problem with the interface where sheckle prices are hard to distinguish from denari prices, which makes this kind of scam possible. Clearing it up in the interface could have a huge impact on this scam's effectiveness; for example, it could be written in full ('46 denari' and '46 sheckles' instead of '46d' and '46s'), it could always have the denari part ('46d' and '46s0d'), or it could use color coding to distinguish between monetary units ('46d' and '46s').

You can't solve this problem on the end of people trying this - there will always be assholes. Instead, it should be fixed on the end where people are falling for this.