A tractor News Network : Real news for an imaginary universe
Server: Lovelace Status: Offline
Pop: 0 GameDate: 18 Dec, Yr 209

Headlines >

Thattallguyj died
Thattallguyj died at the age of 53

Riate[2] died
Riate[2] died at the age of 47

d_cribb passed away peacefully
d_cribb died at the age of 44

ThiccAsstley died
ThiccAsstley died at the age of 36

Toxicrat planked
Toxicrat died at the age of 30

DOCTAL planked
DOCTAL died at the age of 39

Don_^Reverend_X passed away
Don_^Reverend_X died at the age of 39

Doc_Orion passed away peacefully
Doc_Orion died at the age of 24

Limb passed away peacefully
Limb died at the age of 24

klitt passed on
klitt died at the age of 20

World >

Business >

Special Report : The Fuel Business

Today our business reporters have been out to review the state of Lovelace's Fuel business - checking the prices and inventories of 3 buildings currently selling products on the world.

Fuel is only sold in one building on Lovelace. We asked the owner for some figures on their business but they were unavailable for comment.

High scores >


Sports >

RC Duel Rankings

Pos Player Ranking

Anything that doesnt work is almost certainly the result of chronic understaffing.