Bongo already active bug

Forum for all bug reports relating to the 2018 Early Access phase of A tractor
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Joined:Tue Nov 13, 2018 12:52 pm
Bongo already active bug

Post by JonnyTheLight » Sat Apr 25, 2020 10:39 am

If you try to summon the bongochimp, it says "Bongochimp is already active". But you cannot interact with it. Please fix it fast, because we need it to teleport players that bugged themselves into buildings and cannot get out. It might have started to bug when we played the destruction game and the game did not end for all exept the winner. Everyone else had still (0) for zero destructions next to their name, suggesting that the game did not finish?
Also the boat race game is bugged: the starting point is set on land. I also think there was a problem with the ostrich race, but i do not remember and cannot test it right now for the reasons stated above.

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